
6 Sumber Gratis untuk mempelajari Pertanyaan dalam Interview Data Science

Alexey Grigorev's (@Al_Grigor) Data Science Interviews GitHub repo: github.com/alexeygrigorev…
The 9-Day Data Science Interview Crash Course (has 27 FAANG problems sent over 9 emails) acethedatascienceinterview.com/#free-chapter
Chip Huyen's (@chipro) Machine Learning Interview Book: huyenchip.com/ml-interviews-…
DataLemur: Ace the SQL Interview Has 60+ SQL interview questions from FAANG. All the hints + solutions are 100% free (unlike LeetCode and HackerRank) datalemur.com
This Reddit thread with 21 questions someone was asked when interviewing for a $120k entry-level Data Science job in Washington D.C: (it has a really good comment section discussing interview prep!) reddit.com/r/datascience/…
40 Prob/Stat questions asked by FAANG: nicksingh.com/posts/40-proba…
Semoga bermanfaat 🙏